Thursday, September 2, 2010

Two weeks after "the decision"

The first week of banishment went well.
While I was busy with work, I didn't really see anything on the boards about it and it was slipping my mind.  Imagine my surprise when I got home and I found that my banishment had been disregarded.  Once again, a putrid show of ignorance coated in entitlement finds it way onto my board.  I promptly disable this account.  Again on Saturday this is disregarded.  Finally on Sunday when he should have been preparing to actually have something to say on his radio show he was lamely creating accounts on

How can anyone be so obtuse?  The ironic part is that having his own forum and radio show to speak about such injustices is that his own message board would give him a warning for that and his co-host probably refuses to let him talk about a subject matter which is if nothing else interesting.

Since no good deed goes unpunished his signature was completely removed and then it was relinked just for kicks.