Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tecmo Player Map

There are a lot of people out there who often times make you sign up to get the good stuff on their site.  I find this to be utterly pointless which is why I don't make people do that for my download section.  On the flip side, there are often times people who lurk on your site that do not have a compelling reason to create an account.  Finally, I have that actual compelling reason.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Perils of Conversing

Please be aware that the following conversation could

1.  Make your head explode.
2.  Give you syphilis
3.  Create temporary blindness.

I thought about commenting on the conversation, but halfway through I blacked out, busted open my skull, and woke up in a pool of blood.  Thus, loyal reader, you are on your own.  Enjoy?

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(5:27:32 PM) buckfuttor: hey
(5:28:33 PM) buckfuttor: just wanted to throw out the dynastyphile thing
(5:28:40 PM) buckfuttor: i'm in for wherever it's hosted
(5:28:41 PM) GorillaBrav: Yes?
(5:28:44 PM) buckfuttor: as one system
(5:29:03 PM) GorillaBrav: Come clean and i am in
(5:29:15 PM) buckfuttor: what about?
(5:29:33 PM) GorillaBrav: Everything
(5:29:50 PM) buckfuttor: about asking people to move from tecmoworld to puretecmo? about my taxes?
(5:31:22 PM) buckfuttor: if there is something that you believe I have done and I have done so then I will tell you that I have done so
(5:31:25 PM) buckfuttor: not a problem
(5:32:28 PM) GorillaBrav: Bye then. Just remember the truth is right around the corner and more people are coming to me about you. Enjoy the false truth for now
(5:33:10 PM) buckfuttor: i don't understand
(5:34:22 PM) buckfuttor: i would like to have one system that everyone uses
(5:34:24 PM) GorillaBrav: Its going to be a sad day for you when the truth comes out from people you dont expect it from. Put a nice spin on that. I am done
(5:34:51 PM) GorillaBrav: I would like your childish antics to stop but they will
(5:35:37 PM) buckfuttor: I don't really care where this system is hosted
(5:35:39 PM) GorillaBrav: Until you come clean about all of it i will talk to you in wisconsin not over aim or forums
(5:35:56 PM) buckfuttor: having it hosted on tecmoworld would be fine
(5:36:07 PM) buckfuttor: or on turd's system
(5:36:15 PM) buckfuttor: where ever
(5:38:31 PM) buckfuttor: if you change your mind, I'll still be down
(5:39:23 PM) GorillaBrav: You should come clean for your sake now do you really think people are going to sympathize wit you?
(5:39:56 PM) buckfuttor: give me something specific to come clean about and i'd be more than happy to
(5:40:44 PM) GorillaBrav: How about the trash and lies you talk on aim about for a start?
(5:42:06 PM) buckfuttor: i disagree with the style of moderation that goes on at tecmoworld..that's not exactly a secret
(5:42:33 PM) GorillaBrav: Thats not what i am talking about
(5:43:01 PM) GorillaBrav: You tell lies and talk trash about me and tw
(5:43:19 PM) buckfuttor: lies?
(5:44:11 PM) GorillaBrav: We are done i feel sorry for you if you truly believe your buddies dont tell the truth
(5:44:18 PM) buckfuttor: can you give me a specific person to go through my chat logs?
(5:45:24 PM) GorillaBrav: I dont want to list all the names but just think what people are going to think of you when it all is out in the open
(5:46:29 PM) buckfuttor: given that I retain to right to have opinions about people doesn't me they can't have one, favorable or non-favorable about me
(5:47:21 PM) buckfuttor: i don't do what i do for the purpose of liking nor disliking me
(5:47:42 PM) GorillaBrav: Right but how pathetic is blatant lies to make yourself favorable look. Are you in 2nd grade? Spreading lies is immature
(5:47:52 PM) buckfuttor: i'm just some guy from nebraska who runs a tecmo bowl forum
(5:48:46 PM) GorillaBrav: And i guy who has a big ego. You ll have an empty site soon. No one likes liars
(5:49:23 PM) buckfuttor: If that is my fate, then so be it
(5:49:42 PM) buckfuttor: regardless, I still think the single phile system is worth pursuing
(5:49:46 PM) GorillaBrav: How pathetic is it to try and run everything and lying to try and lie to do so
(5:49:58 PM) buckfuttor: i want you to host it
(5:50:19 PM) GorillaBrav: Not until you post on all three forums the lies trash and plans you have
(5:51:44 PM) buckfuttor: I will post anything that I've said on an AIM chat to anyone
(5:52:17 PM) GorillaBrav: Ok well get started and let me know
(5:52:45 PM) buckfuttor: so you want me to post every aim chat i've had with every person ever
(5:54:08 PM) GorillaBrav: No just the defamations motives and other loser type things you have said
(5:55:03 PM) buckfuttor: really?
(5:55:15 PM) buckfuttor: jeez, man
(5:55:42 PM) buckfuttor: let me know if you'd actually like to do something that benefits the tecmo community
(5:55:54 PM) GorillaBrav: You want to work together you need to show everyone how you were
(5:55:57 PM) buckfuttor: or if you just want it to be some giant you and me thing
(5:56:29 PM) GorillaBrav: Cant come clean huh?
(5:56:47 PM) buckfuttor: that's the thing, I have no idea what the hell you want
(5:56:53 PM) GorillaBrav: Come clean and its all over with or drag it out and get exposed
(5:56:57 PM) buckfuttor: i mean, jeez man
(5:57:18 PM) GorillaBrav: Just told you go back a few
(5:58:13 PM) GorillaBrav: You cant expect that your actions are ok
(5:58:27 PM) buckfuttor: which actions
(5:58:33 PM) buckfuttor: asking leagues to move?
(5:59:07 PM) buckfuttor: anyway, i have a basketball game to get ready for
(5:59:25 PM) buckfuttor: once again, let me know if you want to do the phile thing
(5:59:26 PM) GorillaBrav: Lol trying to cover your tracks so you dont spill too much huh? Well i am done see you in person
(5:59:33 PM) buckfuttor: if not, no big deal
(5:59:35 PM) buckfuttor: lol
(5:59:42 PM) buckfuttor: i will tell you the exact same thing
(5:59:43 PM) GorillaBrav: Once you come clean gladly

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

OH SHIT!!! NOT AGAIN!!! ugly2.gif ugly2.gif

The owner of is a little sore at me for asking a league to move to

One month ago, I would have responded to his inane ramblings at least 5 times by now.
I mean, look at this statement:

Angry Message board owner:  The difference about MTL moving to TW from PT was zach asked me I have never approached anyone about moving a league from a different board to TW. I find it very bush league and you have openly admitted to having done this more than once now. 

I guess I mistook the peace agreement. It's only intended on the message boards. One can still lie and manipulate and be underhanded. You go ahead and keep being that guy.
If not pointing out the fact that he just called me a proverbial "Jumbo Shrimp" on that board isn't change, then I don't know what is.

The MeatSpin Tecmo League

The funny thing is that said owner doesn't really care for the "MeatSpin" Tecmo League at all.
In fact, it's the moderation or constant threat of moderation that was the main reason for it to move BACK in the first place.

This is a classic example of why two league message boards are necessary:  It's extremely tough for a message board that runs something that is competitive by nature to cater to everyone.  If there were not a Puretecmo and a NeonTecmoClearWorld, someone would eventually create the other one at some point.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Face Lift Part II and WORLD PEACE

One thing a guy has to realize is that changing the way a site is laid out can have some big side effects.
One thing I can do with Joomla is take a site and basically put the header over the top.  This way a guy doesn't have to worry about navigation/integration, it just works out for you.  However, phpBB already comes with a header and you either need to mod this thing or chop it off.  Here we just chop it off and integrate it under Joomla

Pretty Awesome!!!!!

However, 3 big problems

1.  The cost of this power is completely re-writing the URL for the board.  This means that while the old links would re-direct properly, any new ones would be dependent on always having Joomla.  That puts baby in a corner.
2.  You need to not only generate the phpBB stuff, but also the Joomla stuff.  That's a heck of a lot more processing.
3.  This completely kills a mobile theme

Thus, the solution is making a header that looks like Joomla.  While you fix all those problems, you are then left with having to update your links twice every time you change the layout.  Thus, hopefully I don't change shit around all the time.

Finally, peace on earth.

Given all I was looking for was an answer and to not be over-moderated, looks like I hit the jackpot.