Monday, January 4, 2010

Face Lift Part II and WORLD PEACE

One thing a guy has to realize is that changing the way a site is laid out can have some big side effects.
One thing I can do with Joomla is take a site and basically put the header over the top.  This way a guy doesn't have to worry about navigation/integration, it just works out for you.  However, phpBB already comes with a header and you either need to mod this thing or chop it off.  Here we just chop it off and integrate it under Joomla

Pretty Awesome!!!!!

However, 3 big problems

1.  The cost of this power is completely re-writing the URL for the board.  This means that while the old links would re-direct properly, any new ones would be dependent on always having Joomla.  That puts baby in a corner.
2.  You need to not only generate the phpBB stuff, but also the Joomla stuff.  That's a heck of a lot more processing.
3.  This completely kills a mobile theme

Thus, the solution is making a header that looks like Joomla.  While you fix all those problems, you are then left with having to update your links twice every time you change the layout.  Thus, hopefully I don't change shit around all the time.

Finally, peace on earth.

Given all I was looking for was an answer and to not be over-moderated, looks like I hit the jackpot.

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