Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Face Lift

Over the last several months, I've embarked on creating a framework for taking the hodge-podge of sites i've either created or host and form them into a cohesive yet easy to navigate site.

Let's take a little step back in time.  This was the last iteration of the original site.  It was a framework of sorts to various information about the different Tecmo games that just happened to include a message board.  As you can see I had a rough edged blog back then, which I eventually stopped caring about updating.  At that time the message board was growing pretty well and it was easy to find anything.

For the next several years it was just the message board and I used that as the primary source of information.  However, the price for using just a message board was that you had to hack the crap out of it which in turn made it tedious to upgrade.  This led to various hackings of out of date code and general instability.

A couple of months ago, I was inspired to roll out Joomla as the framework for providing an outside support system to the message board as I'd used it at work.  While a message board is great for keeping up with the day to day of a tecmo hacking community, it's also something one needs to keep up with on a daily basis.  Documenting this information in the form of news documents, faqs, etc seems like an excellent way to not only organize information, but allow for the casual observer to pick up on the "important stuff".

The first try was fairly successful.  As you can see, the message board now has navigation.  However, it proved to be a limited as six options wasn't really cutting it.

The new iteration imrpoves the layout in several aspects
  • Sub-Menus that fixes the category limitation
  • Compacted header that allows more real estate for content
  • The entire format is cleaner

Next on the agenda, fixing the message board headers.

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