Tuesday, January 12, 2010

OH SHIT!!! NOT AGAIN!!! ugly2.gif ugly2.gif

The owner of NeonTecmoClearWorld.us.affiliation is a little sore at me for asking a league to move to Puretecmo.com

One month ago, I would have responded to his inane ramblings at least 5 times by now.
I mean, look at this statement:

Angry Message board owner:  The difference about MTL moving to TW from PT was zach asked me I have never approached anyone about moving a league from a different board to TW. I find it very bush league and you have openly admitted to having done this more than once now. 

I guess I mistook the peace agreement. It's only intended on the message boards. One can still lie and manipulate and be underhanded. You go ahead and keep being that guy.
If not pointing out the fact that he just called me a proverbial "Jumbo Shrimp" on that board isn't change, then I don't know what is.

The MeatSpin Tecmo League

The funny thing is that said owner doesn't really care for the "MeatSpin" Tecmo League at all.
In fact, it's the moderation or constant threat of moderation that was the main reason for it to move BACK in the first place.

This is a classic example of why two league message boards are necessary:  It's extremely tough for a message board that runs something that is competitive by nature to cater to everyone.  If there were not a Puretecmo and a NeonTecmoClearWorld, someone would eventually create the other one at some point.

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