Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TDO: Still an asshole

Finally got fed up with Puretecmo always coming up with 500 errors because my host is putting too many people on a server and won't work with me.  Of course things are sort of hairy because of DNS stuff but overall, it's been a success.

Recently over at TW, apparently they've decided to hide their "anything goes" section.  I went to log in and see if anyone had issues with logging in at Puretecmo (which is the biggest reason why we have issues) and come to find out I've been banned!

Consider I have this guy block on IM and don't have a status, I have no idea what he's mad about and trying to lash out about.  However, he still appears to be an asshole.

Friday, March 11, 2011

That went well

Hey, if you're trying to get me to buy into what you're saying, I'm guessing that figuratively pissing on me wasn't going to get you the answer you wanted....assuming you wanted it in the first place.

Banning me = going to happen regardless
IP Banning me?  RAGE BAN

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ultimatum 2011

Recently a thread on TecmoWorld called for my unbanishment.
Of course it came with the typical stipulations, posturing, and rhetoric.
Some thoughts:

A board merger currently is a well meaning pipe dream
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's simply not going to happen.
Quite frankly, if this did happen I'm willing to bet at least one league if not more would start their own board and essentially negate any of the benefits.
Currently there is

  • another board you can go to if you screw up on one of them
  • another board you can go to if you don't care for how it's run
  • a natural rivalry which encourages development

I've been around quite a while.
Puretecmo was started because the guys at OTFL were dicks.
TecmoWorld was started because the guys over at Puretecmo were dicks.
I'm pretty sure you can see the pattern.

I'm not unbanning TDO/Gary
While I appreciate a classic Mr. TSB declaration of intent morphing into a call for a truce, I fail to see why I should respond positively to any sort of ultimatum.
Regardless of what you previously read, here is how I was banned.

- I ban Gary
- He tries to circumvent the ban
- I clear his signatures linking back to his site
- He tries to circumvent the ban
- I make his signatures/statuses unflattering
- He starts a section on the board that only I or guests can see spelling out an ultimatum
- I make a post chiming in on a JJ thread and congratulating him on securing the main TPC section
- He bans me without saying anything to anyone
- He tells me through "channels" that I am banned for causing drama

If you're going to do something I consider ridiculous, I am going to point it out which I'm pretty sure negates what you consider to be a truce.
I mean, we're both ridiculous.  Look at the stupid list I just put up!  Look at any of the ridiculous vernacular you use to describe anything on this site!
Thus, ban or unban me, I truly do not care.  Regardless of that decision at some point I'll either unban you or I won't.  For what it's worth that decision currently isn't at "never" at the moment.

At what point can anyone go over to and tell me that "we hate new people."
Is it the "Getting started in Tecmo" thread or the "Welcome to PureTEcmo" thread that specifically tells people to fuck off?
I frankly hate the term "noob" because post counts mean dick.  You're continued references to "Vets vs Noobs" is either tired rhetoric you spout off undoubtedly to paint an unfavorable picture of a rival website.

Guys, I didn't start Puretecmo.  I started the Repository about 6 months after I started visiting PT to talk about hacking roms and general Tecmo stuff.
When I started at Puretecmo openings were very limited but I was just some guy with the AIM name buckfuttor who took shit from people and just rolled with it and got the opportunity to take over a team in season two of HSTL.  Did you get a lot of shit over there?  Oh definitely.  However it was more due to the slightly racist, Kid Rock quoting, redneck schtick you decided to roll in there with and simply couldn't back it up.  Have you changed?  Definitely.  However, it's still your experience over there that made you the person who started this site out of spite and actually thinks
Most of the flack Knobbe gives me arises from him being a "vet or puretecmo loyalist"
Really?  Are you trying to pander to new people or are you simply an idiot?

In conclusion I leave you with this:

Delusional Tecmo Website owner: "Also would tecmo even exist today considering if things where left alone no newbs would have breed life into tecmo and all but a handful of these vets remain?"

 Would you expect anything else from a guy who thinks Tecmo exists online today because of him?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Has it really been so long since I've updated?

Let me finish up the previous drama and move to what other stuff I've been up to.

So after pathetically trying to rejoin my boards several times, The Hypocritical One finally gave up and banned me.  He lived up to his name as he ridiculously maintains that he no longer moderates/administrates his message boards ever since last year when I "forced" him to blow his shit and delete every post on said precious message board that I have ever made.

When prompted for the reasoning for my bannishment, I was given this gem:

you can tell him, that while the message board is ran by the people, he is the exception and will need to speak with me if he doesn't like TW becoming a drama free zone as PT and the Repository have
This typical inane response leads me to a list of thoughts

  • Given that he called PT and the Repository a "drama free zone" does this imply that his removal from the sites fixed the drama and that he was the source of said drama?  Considering this man is a self-evident expert in the field of drama I'm going to have to side with him on this one
  • I am the exception?  What are the criteria for moving from the "Republic of Pretend" mode to "Monarchy" mode?  My guess if that polled "the people" would have given a resounding "we don't give a fuck about your petty shit" reply.  Egypt's democracy ain't got shit on you!
  • Can you cut the "ran by the people" routine already?  Perhaps try "i hide behind the rouse of a group so that nothing can be blamed on me and people will like me"
In the end though, typically his character flaws are covered by the fact that he puts in enough time at his site to retain talented commissioners which are the lifeblood of leagues.