Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I really didn't know a whole lot about this league back when it started, but became aware of it about 3 weeks ago. I checked out their message board and found that it was a really strong league with a bunch of "newer" owners on a free message board shooting out ads.

Given the relative deadness of puretecmo.com and my recent rededication to it, it seemed like we could both help each other out. Talking to Lord Summerisle cemented my initial thoughts as I can typically tell after a good aim talk and seeing a couple of posts that he had his stuff together and that any league will go as far as the commishes will take it.

While it seems as though some of their members are hesitant, that this will be a done deal by the time people read this. I'm hoping along with the switch over that I can get Sois' old league manager working and thus working for any puretecmo leagues. Donny's database is pretty good, but it doesn't do sta uploads and he's just not around right now.

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